Risk Matters Newsletter
The design and layout of a quarterly newsletter, its purpose being to concentrate on subjects specific to the insurance law sector throughout the United Kingdom.
Insight Magazine
I was tasked with refreshing the template and styling of Insight Magazine, a quarterly publication that focuses on topics particular to the Scottish law scene.
Budapest regional office, promotional brochure
A brochure to help showcase our offering in Hungary, outlining recent work highlights, key CMS team members and their particular expertise within the region.
CEE 25 Year Anniversary, Magazine Concept
A magazine concept to celebrate a significant anniversary of CMS's presence within the Central and Eastern European region (CEE). The publication would be styled outwith the usual brand guidelines, its main aim being to highlight key points and insights from this 25 year period.
Pitch Document (Pensions)
The design and layout of a typical, on-brand, pensions pitch document.
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